Yesterday, sound engineer Rob Wrong and I finally wrapped our sound mix for The Great Divide, ending a loooooong (at least for me) post-production process. And freeing our team up to begin the next phase of the journey.
Which is: getting this movie into A THEATER NEAR YOU!!!
Part of this is eyeing a festival run, absolutely. Making the list of possibilities now. It’s not a genre film, which means the fests I’ve played before (like Fantasia, f’rinstance) won’t be in play this time, alas. But there’s a whole wide world of indie film hootenannies to choose from and/or be chosen by. In this, Film Freeway is our friend; and odds are good that we’ll be spending a whooooole lotta time there.
But then there are all the cool little mom & pop theaters around the country, who are happy to book special screening events for their local clientele. We’re in the process of drawing a map of the places we’d like to play, in the cities and towns we’d like to go to. There are hundreds of them, in the U.S. alone. (Dear Canada: we’re not ignoring you, I swear!)
So if you would like to see The Great Divide come to your town, drop me a line here! For the next couple months, we’ll be focused primarily on Portland and the Pacific Northwest. But by spring, we’ll be more than itchy to start taking this show on the road. And have some ideas for how to make this super-fun.
All of this means that we will not be heading straight to streaming. That, in fact, it may be a year before we wind up anywhere near Amazon, paid YouTube, or anywhere else online in a public fashion.
But if you’re an indie film promoter/influencer/strategist/fellow filmmaker who might want to help us build momentum, private links should become available within the next 24 hours. Again, please reach out to me. I’m not all that hard to find.
In conclusion, I’d just like to say that producing this film over the past year-anna-half has been one of the exciting, truly satisfying experiences of my life. But just as that stage is ending, the next one has just begun.
Next screening of The Great Divide will be Monday, December 9th, at the venerable Clinton St. Theater in Portland. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
As I had to hightail it out of Astoria to catch my flight and missed the screening, I’d love to see you swing the film through Boulder (or somewhere else along the Front Range).
Wonderful!! Sounds like an exciting time! Can’t wait for everyone to see this amazing film.